Flama Properties info@flamaproperties.com 0715885476 https://www.flamaproperties.com Flama Properties Contact Form Send message Description Properties Ksh 23,000,000MODERN MEDITERRANEAN STYLE MANSON FOR SALEKiambu roadBeds: 6Baths: 6 Ksh 23,000,000 Sale MODERN MEDITERRANEAN STYLE MANSON FOR SALE Kiambu road 6 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 24,500,0004 BEDROOM MASSIONATE IN MEMBLEY ESTATERuiruBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 24,500,000 Sale 10 4 BEDROOM MASSIONATE IN MEMBLEY ESTATE Ruiru 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 100,000,0004 BEDROOM RUSTIC BUNGALOW FOR SALEKarenBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 100,000,000 Sale 4 4 BEDROOM RUSTIC BUNGALOW FOR SALE Karen 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 29,000,0004-Bedroom Ensuite House for Sale in MemblyRuiruBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 29,000,000 Rent 10 4-Bedroom Ensuite House for Sale in Membly Ruiru 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 185,000,000Prime 0.5 Acres for Sale in Lavington, Hatheru RoadLavington Ksh 185,000,000 Rent 6 Prime 0.5 Acres for Sale in Lavington, Hatheru Road Lavington Flama Properties Residential Ksh 12,000,0003-Bedroom All-Ensuite Home for Sale in SyokimauSyokimauBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 12,000,000 Rent 6 3-Bedroom All-Ensuite Home for Sale in Syokimau Syokimau 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 110,000,000Exclusive 4-Bedroom Homes for Sale in Miotoni, KarenKarenBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 110,000,000 Sale 6 Exclusive 4-Bedroom Homes for Sale in Miotoni, Karen Karen 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 19,100,0004 BEDROOM APARTMENT AT SKYLINE WESTLANDSWestlandBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 19,100,000 Rent 32 4 BEDROOM APARTMENT AT SKYLINE WESTLANDS Westland 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Ksh 30,000,0004 -BEDROOM ENSUITE HOUSE FOR SALE IN MEMBLYRuiruBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 30,000,000 Sale 8 4 -BEDROOM ENSUITE HOUSE FOR SALE IN MEMBLY Ruiru 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 300,000,000RESIDENTIAL FLAT FOR SALE IN RUIRURuiru Ksh 300,000,000 Sale 4 RESIDENTIAL FLAT FOR SALE IN RUIRU Ruiru Flama Properties Residential Ksh 95,000,0005 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN RUNDARundaBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 95,000,000 Sale 15 5 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN RUNDA Runda 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 185,000,000PETROL STATION FOR SALE IN MAKUYUThika Ksh 185,000,000 Sale 10 PETROL STATION FOR SALE IN MAKUYU Thika 2 Garages Flama Properties Commercial Properties Ksh 24,000,0004 BEDROOM VILLAS FOR SALE AT RUIRU EASTERN BYPASSRuiruBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 24,000,000 Sale 15 4 BEDROOM VILLAS FOR SALE AT RUIRU EASTERN BYPASS Ruiru 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 59,000,0004 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE IN LAVINGTON,LavingtonBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 59,000,000 Rent 11 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE IN LAVINGTON, Lavington 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 80,000,0006 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALEBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 80,000,000 Rent 4 6 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 100,000,0004 BEDROOM HOUSE KAREN MIOTONIKarenBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 100,000,000 Rent 6 4 BEDROOM HOUSE KAREN MIOTONI Karen 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 130,000,0005 BEDROOMS VILLA IN KITUSURUBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 130,000,000 Rent 5 5 BEDROOMS VILLA IN KITUSURU 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 88,000,0005 BEDROOMS TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE IN LAVINGTON, NAIROBILavington / NairobiBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 88,000,000 Rent 16 5 BEDROOMS TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE IN LAVINGTON, NAIROBI Lavington / Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 400,000,0005 BEDROOM MAISONETTE IN RUNDARundaBeds: 4Baths: 5 Ksh 400,000,000 Rent 28 5 BEDROOM MAISONETTE IN RUNDA Runda 4 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 74,500,0005 bedroom in Garden estate for saleNairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 74,500,000 Rent 8 5 bedroom in Garden estate for sale Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 9,000,0002 & 3 Bedroom Apartment kileleshwaKileleshwaBeds: 3Baths: 2 Ksh 9,000,000 Rent 8 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartment kileleshwa Kileleshwa 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 65,000,0004 Bedroom villa karenKarenBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 65,000,000 Rent 7 4 Bedroom villa karen Karen 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Flama Properties Ksh 90,000,0004 BEDROOM MAISONATTE GIGIRI UNEP AVENUEBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 90,000,000 Rent 12 4 BEDROOM MAISONATTE GIGIRI UNEP AVENUE 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 90,000,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETTE GIGIRI UNEP AVENUENairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 90,000,000 Sale 11 4 BEDROOM MAISONETTE GIGIRI UNEP AVENUE Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 7,000,0004600 ACRES FOR SALE AT ATHI-RIVERKitengela Ksh 7,000,000 Sale Featured 4 4600 ACRES FOR SALE AT ATHI-RIVER Kitengela Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 10,500,000NJEMWA RESIDENCESKilimani Ksh 10,500,000 Sale 14 NJEMWA RESIDENCES Kilimani Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 16,250,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETTE KENYATTA RDkenyatta rdBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 16,250,000 Sale 8 4 BEDROOM MAISONETTE KENYATTA RD kenyatta rd 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 7,000,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETTE AT RUIRU MURERA RuiruBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 7,000,000 Sale 6 4 BEDROOM MAISONETTE AT RUIRU MURERA Ruiru 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 15,000,000EMERALD SPRINGS APARTMENTWestlandBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 15,000,000 Sale 13 EMERALD SPRINGS APARTMENT Westland 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 9,120,0001 AND 2 BEDROOMS APARTMENT FOR SALE AT EMERALD SPRINGSNairobiBeds: 2Baths: 1 Ksh 9,120,000 Sale 21 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS APARTMENT FOR SALE AT EMERALD SPRINGS Nairobi 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 100,000,0005 BEDROOM IN KARENKarenBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 100,000,000 Sale 11 5 BEDROOM IN KAREN Karen 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 85,000,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETTE MIOTONI KAREN FOR SALEKarenBeds: 4 Ksh 85,000,000 Sale 5 4 BEDROOM MAISONETTE MIOTONI KAREN FOR SALE Karen 4 Bedrooms Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 30,000,0005 BEDROOM MAISONETTE WINDSORKiambu roadBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 30,000,000 Sale 8 5 BEDROOM MAISONETTE WINDSOR Kiambu road 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 255,000TRIDENT PARK ESTATE PHASE 2 FOR RENT Langata Ksh 255,000 Rent 6 TRIDENT PARK ESTATE PHASE 2 FOR RENT Langata 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 18,000,000NEW 4 BEDROOM MAISONETTE WITH DSQ RUIRU MUGUTHARuiruBeds: 3 Ksh 18,000,000 Sale 7 NEW 4 BEDROOM MAISONETTE WITH DSQ RUIRU MUGUTHA Ruiru 3 Bedrooms Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 52,000,000FURNISHED 6 BEDROOM MAISONETTE IN NGONG OLKERI RD NgongBeds: 6 Ksh 52,000,000 Sale 7 FURNISHED 6 BEDROOM MAISONETTE IN NGONG OLKERI RD Ngong 6 Bedrooms Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 30,000,0005 BEDROOM VILLAS RONGAI RIMPAOngata RongaiBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 30,000,000 Sale 6 5 BEDROOM VILLAS RONGAI RIMPA Ongata Rongai 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Flama Properties Residential Ksh 420,0004 BEDROOMS TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT KIAMBU ROAD, NAIROBI. NairobiBeds: 4 Ksh 420,000 Rent 7 4 BEDROOMS TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT KIAMBU ROAD, NAIROBI. Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Ksh 85,000,0005 BEDROOM VILLAS FOR SALE IN LAVINGTONLavingtonBeds: 5Baths: 2 Ksh 85,000,000 Sale 7 5 BEDROOM VILLAS FOR SALE IN LAVINGTON Lavington 5 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 9,800,0003 BEDROOMS BUNGALOW WITH SQ IN NGONG KIBIKO AREANgongBeds: 2 Ksh 9,800,000 Sale 5 3 BEDROOMS BUNGALOW WITH SQ IN NGONG KIBIKO AREA Ngong 2 Bedrooms Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 12,500,0002 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN KILELESHWAKileleshwaBeds: 2 Ksh 12,500,000 Sale 5 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN KILELESHWA Kileleshwa 2 Bedrooms Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 5,700,0001 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN LAVINGTONLavingtonBeds: 1Baths: 1 Ksh 5,700,000 Sale 4 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN LAVINGTON Lavington 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 120,000,000LUXARIUS EXCLUSIVE 4 BEDROOMS HOUSE IN NORTH MUTHAIGA, PARKSIDE VILLAS.NairobiBeds: 4 Ksh 120,000,000 Sale 5 LUXARIUS EXCLUSIVE 4 BEDROOMS HOUSE IN NORTH MUTHAIGA, PARKSIDE VILLAS. Nairobi 4 Bedrooms Flama Properties Residential Ksh 29,000,000EXCLUSIVE MORDEN TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE IN ROYSABU MIREMA DRIVE NEXT TO USIU AND BEHIND SAFARI PARK HOTEL.GithuraiBeds: 8 Ksh 29,000,000 Sale 5 EXCLUSIVE MORDEN TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE IN ROYSABU MIREMA DRIVE NEXT TO USIU AND BEHIND SAFARI PARK HOTEL. Githurai 8 Bedrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 470,000,0002 BEACH PLOTS FOR SALE IN KENYA AT NYALI BEACH MOMBASAMombasa Ksh 470,000,000 Sale 6 2 BEACH PLOTS FOR SALE IN KENYA AT NYALI BEACH MOMBASA Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 46,000,0003.0 Ha. 0.9Ha. AND 0.9 Ha. DIANI BEACH MOMBASA-KENYA PLOTS FOR SALEMombasa Ksh 46,000,000 Sale 1 3.0 Ha. 0.9Ha. AND 0.9 Ha. DIANI BEACH MOMBASA-KENYA PLOTS FOR SALE Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 386,000,0002.8 ACRES BEACH PLOT IN NYALI MOMBASA-KENYA FOR SALEMombasa Ksh 386,000,000 Sale 5 2.8 ACRES BEACH PLOT IN NYALI MOMBASA-KENYA FOR SALE Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 37,000,0003 ACRES BEACH PROPERTY FOR SALE AFTER SUN N SAND BEACH RESORT IN KENYAN COAST, MOMBASA Mombasa Ksh 37,000,000 Sale 5 3 ACRES BEACH PROPERTY FOR SALE AFTER SUN N SAND BEACH RESORT IN KENYAN COAST, MOMBASA Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 400,000,0004 ACRES BEACH PROPERTY IN KENYAN COAST, MOMBASA – DIANI BEACH WITH 2 MAISIONATTES FOR SALEMombasa Ksh 400,000,000 6 4 ACRES BEACH PROPERTY IN KENYAN COAST, MOMBASA – DIANI BEACH WITH 2 MAISIONATTES FOR SALE Mombasa Flama Properties Residential Ksh 28,000,00050 ACRES BEACH PLOT FOR SALE IN BOFA – KILIFI COUNTY – KENYAN COASTkilifi Ksh 28,000,000 5 50 ACRES BEACH PLOT FOR SALE IN BOFA – KILIFI COUNTY – KENYAN COAST kilifi Flama Properties Land Ksh 40,000,000MAGNIFICENT EXQUISITE 6 BEDROOMS HOUSE FOR SALE IN MUGUTHA (RIVERSIDE) RUIRURuiruArea: 0.50 sqftBeds: 6Baths: 5 Ksh 40,000,000 6 MAGNIFICENT EXQUISITE 6 BEDROOMS HOUSE FOR SALE IN MUGUTHA (RIVERSIDE) RUIRU Ruiru 6 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 10 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 120,000,000THOME SPACIOUS 5 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE.zimmermanArea: 1 sqftBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 120,000,000 Sale 8 THOME SPACIOUS 5 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. zimmerman 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Flama Properties Residential Ksh 9,500,0003 BEDROOM BUNGALOW RUIRU MUGUTHA FOR SALERuiruBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 9,500,000 Sale 8 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW RUIRU MUGUTHA FOR SALE Ruiru 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Flama Properties Residential Ksh 12,000,0005 BEDROOM MAISONETTE FOR SALE IN THIKA ROAD KIMBOThikaBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 12,000,000 Sale 8 5 BEDROOM MAISONETTE FOR SALE IN THIKA ROAD KIMBO Thika 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 200,000,0007 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN RUNDARundaBeds: 7Baths: 7 Ksh 200,000,000 Sale 12 7 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN RUNDA Runda 7 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 34,000,000KISERIAN FARM HOUSE ON SALEKitengela Ksh 34,000,000 Sale 11 KISERIAN FARM HOUSE ON SALE Kitengela Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 150,000,0005 BEDROOM STAND ALONE FOR SALERundaBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 150,000,000 Sale 9 5 BEDROOM STAND ALONE FOR SALE Runda 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 20,000,0004 BEDROOMS MAISONETTE IN KIKUYU KAMANGU FOR SALEUthiruBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 20,000,000 Sale 9 4 BEDROOMS MAISONETTE IN KIKUYU KAMANGU FOR SALE Uthiru 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 25,000,0005 BEDROOM MAISONETTE FOR SALE/RENT IN SYOKIMAUSyokimauBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 25,000,000 Sale 12 5 BEDROOM MAISONETTE FOR SALE/RENT IN SYOKIMAU Syokimau 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 12,000,0002 BEDROOM PENTHOUSE APARTMENT IN LAVINGTON FOR SALELavingtonBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 12,000,000 Sale 3 2 BEDROOM PENTHOUSE APARTMENT IN LAVINGTON FOR SALE Lavington 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 216 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 23,900,0004-BEDROOM MANSION ON SALE in SYOKIMAUSyokimauBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 23,900,000 Sale 19 4-BEDROOM MANSION ON SALE in SYOKIMAU Syokimau 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 30,800,0006 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN KITENGELAKitengelaBeds: 6Baths: 6 Ksh 30,800,000 Sale 18 6 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN KITENGELA Kitengela 6 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 35,000,0006 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN RUIRU MEMBLEY FOR SALERuiruBeds: 6Baths: 6 Ksh 35,000,000 Sale 13 6 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN RUIRU MEMBLEY FOR SALE Ruiru 6 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 100,000,0005 BEDROOM HOUSE ON SALE IN KAREN MIOTONIKarenBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 100,000,000 Sale 6 5 BEDROOM HOUSE ON SALE IN KAREN MIOTONI Karen 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 14,000,0004 BEDROOMS MANSIONATTE FOR SALE AT KAMAKISRuiruBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 14,000,000 Sale 4 4 BEDROOMS MANSIONATTE FOR SALE AT KAMAKIS Ruiru 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 90,000,0000.9849 Ha. FOR SALE IN NYALI – KAMBI ROAD OFF LINKS ROADMombasa Ksh 90,000,000 Sale 4 0.9849 Ha. FOR SALE IN NYALI – KAMBI ROAD OFF LINKS ROAD Mombasa Flama Properties Residential Ksh 15,000,0004 BEDROOMS VILLAS KITENGELAKitengelaBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 15,000,000 Sale 10 4 BEDROOMS VILLAS KITENGELA Kitengela 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 65,000,0004 BEDROOMS TOWNHOUSE LAVINGTONLavingtonBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 65,000,000 Sale 10 4 BEDROOMS TOWNHOUSE LAVINGTON Lavington 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 32,500,000FURNISHED 5 BEDROOM MANSION IN SYOKIMAU NEAR GATEWAY MALL FOR SALESyokimauBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 32,500,000 Sale 25 FURNISHED 5 BEDROOM MANSION IN SYOKIMAU NEAR GATEWAY MALL FOR SALE Syokimau 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 7,200,0000.25 ACRES FOR SALE IN RUAIRuai Ksh 7,200,000 Sale 3 0.25 ACRES FOR SALE IN RUAI Ruai Flama Properties Commercial Properties Ksh 85,000,0006 BEDROOM MANSION IN LAVINGTON FOR SALELavingtonBeds: 6Baths: 6 Ksh 85,000,000 Sale 11 6 BEDROOM MANSION IN LAVINGTON FOR SALE Lavington 6 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 160,000,0007 BEDROOMS HOUSE ON SALE KarenKarenBeds: 7Baths: 7 Ksh 160,000,000 Sale 9 7 BEDROOMS HOUSE ON SALE Karen Karen 7 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 36,000,0003 ACRES ON SALE IN NANYUKI FOR SALEnanyuki Ksh 36,000,000 Sale 2 3 ACRES ON SALE IN NANYUKI FOR SALE nanyuki Flama Properties Industrial Ksh 7,500,0003 BEDROOMS MODERN BUNGALOW IN RONGAI NKOROI FOR SALEOngata RongaiBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 7,500,000 Sale 6 3 BEDROOMS MODERN BUNGALOW IN RONGAI NKOROI FOR SALE Ongata Rongai 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 6,000,0003 BEDROOMS MODERN BUNGALOW FOR SALEKitengelaBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 6,000,000 Sale 8 3 BEDROOMS MODERN BUNGALOW FOR SALE Kitengela 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 24,500,0004 BEDROOMS MASIONETTE IN THIKA GITHINGIRIThikaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 24,500,000 Sale 5 4 BEDROOMS MASIONETTE IN THIKA GITHINGIRI Thika 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 2,650,000PLOT FOR SALE IN RUIRU MUGUTHA 50 BY 100FTRuiru Ksh 2,650,000 Sale 2 PLOT FOR SALE IN RUIRU MUGUTHA 50 BY 100FT Ruiru Flama Properties Residential Ksh 9,200,0003 BEDROOMS BUNGALOW IN RUIRU, MUGUTHAThikaBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 9,200,000 Sale 9 3 BEDROOMS BUNGALOW IN RUIRU, MUGUTHA Thika 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 13,000,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETE FOR SALE IN FINPARK ESTATE RUAIRuaiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 13,000,000 Sale 5 4 BEDROOM MAISONETE FOR SALE IN FINPARK ESTATE RUAI Ruai 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 11,250,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETTE AT KITENGELAKitengelaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 11,250,000 Sale 8 4 BEDROOM MAISONETTE AT KITENGELA Kitengela 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 16,500,0004 BEDROOMS MODERN VILLA IN NGONG FOR SALENgongBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 16,500,000 Sale 7 4 BEDROOMS MODERN VILLA IN NGONG FOR SALE Ngong 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 52,000,0005-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE WITH DSQ FOR SALE AT KAHAWA SUKARINairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 52,000,000 Sale 15 5-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE WITH DSQ FOR SALE AT KAHAWA SUKARI Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 12,500,0005 BEDROOM FLAT ROOF RUIRU MATANGI FOR SALENairobiBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 12,500,000 Sale 16 5 BEDROOM FLAT ROOF RUIRU MATANGI FOR SALE Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 60,000,000APARTMENT BLOCK ON SALE IN RUIRU-SUNRISEThikaBeds: 2Baths: 1 Ksh 60,000,000 Sale 7 APARTMENT BLOCK ON SALE IN RUIRU-SUNRISE Thika 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Garage Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 6,500,0003 BEDROOMS BUNGALOW KITENGELA ON SALEKitengelaBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 6,500,000 Sale 6 3 BEDROOMS BUNGALOW KITENGELA ON SALE Kitengela 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 64,000,0005 BEDROOMS VILLAS AT RUNDA FOR SALERundaBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 64,000,000 Sale 13 5 BEDROOMS VILLAS AT RUNDA FOR SALE Runda 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 24,000,0004 BEDROOMS MODERN MAISONETTE -THIKA GITHINGIRIThikaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 24,000,000 Sale 9 4 BEDROOMS MODERN MAISONETTE -THIKA GITHINGIRI Thika 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 19,000,0005 BEDROOM MASIONATE AT KITENGELA FOR SALEKitengelaBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 19,000,000 Sale 12 5 BEDROOM MASIONATE AT KITENGELA FOR SALE Kitengela 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 75,000,0005 BEDROOMS TOWNHOUSE LAVINGTON FOR SALELavingtonBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 75,000,000 Sale 8 5 BEDROOMS TOWNHOUSE LAVINGTON FOR SALE Lavington 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 45,000,0004 BEDROOM HOUSE IN SHANZU MOMBASA FOR SALEMombasaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 45,000,000 Sale 7 4 BEDROOM HOUSE IN SHANZU MOMBASA FOR SALE Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 24,000,0004 BEDROOMS APARTMENT IN KILELESHWA FOR SALEKileleshwaBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 24,000,000 Sale 12 4 BEDROOMS APARTMENT IN KILELESHWA FOR SALE Kileleshwa 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 70,000,0005 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE AT GARDEN ESTATENairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 70,000,000 Sale 15 5 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE AT GARDEN ESTATE Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 17,000,0004 BEDROOM LUXURY TOWNHOUSE IN KITENGELANgongBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 17,000,000 Rent 11 4 BEDROOM LUXURY TOWNHOUSE IN KITENGELA Ngong 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 17,000,0004 BEDROOMS MAISONETTE IN NGONG FOR SALENgongBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 17,000,000 Sale 5 4 BEDROOMS MAISONETTE IN NGONG FOR SALE Ngong 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 29,000,0004-BEDROOM FURNISHED MAISONETTE IN NGONG FOR SALENgongBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 29,000,000 Sale 11 4-BEDROOM FURNISHED MAISONETTE IN NGONG FOR SALE Ngong 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 19,000,0004 BEDROOM VILLAS IN SYOKIMAU FOR SALENairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 19,000,000 Sale 6 4 BEDROOM VILLAS IN SYOKIMAU FOR SALE Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 35,000,0005 BEDROOMS VILLA IN RONGAI FOR SALEOngata RongaiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 35,000,000 Sale 6 5 BEDROOMS VILLA IN RONGAI FOR SALE Ongata Rongai 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 75,000,0004 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN KAREN FOR SALEKarenBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 75,000,000 Sale 6 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN KAREN FOR SALE Karen 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 65,000,0005 BEDROOMS HOUSE FOR SALE IN KARENKarenBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 65,000,000 Sale 15 5 BEDROOMS HOUSE FOR SALE IN KAREN Karen 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 2,550,0005-BEDROOM MAISONETTE AT KAMAKIS FOR SALEThikaBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 2,550,000 Sale 10 5-BEDROOM MAISONETTE AT KAMAKIS FOR SALE Thika 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 121,000,0006 BEDROOM VILLAS, ALL ENSUITE FOR SALE LAVINGTONLavingtonBeds: 6Baths: 5 Ksh 121,000,000 Sale 9 6 BEDROOM VILLAS, ALL ENSUITE FOR SALE LAVINGTON Lavington 6 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 9,000,0003-BEDROOM BUNGALOW IN MATASIA NGONG FOR SALENgongBeds: 3Baths: 2 Ksh 9,000,000 Sale 4 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW IN MATASIA NGONG FOR SALE Ngong 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 58,000,0005 BEDROOM HOUSE AT THIKA GREENSThikaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 58,000,000 Sale 6 5 BEDROOM HOUSE AT THIKA GREENS Thika 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 24,000,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETE IN SYOKIMAU FOR SALENairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 24,000,000 Sale 27 4 BEDROOM MAISONETE IN SYOKIMAU FOR SALE Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 8,300,0003 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE AT JUJAThika / NairobiBeds: 3Baths: 2 Ksh 8,300,000 Sale 5 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE AT JUJA Thika / Nairobi 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 35,000,0005 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN UTAWALANairobiBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 35,000,000 Sale 17 5 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN UTAWALA Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 3,592,0002 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AT RUIRU AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR SALENairobiBeds: 2Baths: 1 Ksh 3,592,000 Sale 8 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AT RUIRU AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR SALE Nairobi 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Garage Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 4,175,0002 BEDROOM APARTMENTS MASTER ENSUITE AT RUIRU AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR SALENairobiBeds: 2Baths: 1 Ksh 4,175,000 Sale 8 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS MASTER ENSUITE AT RUIRU AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR SALE Nairobi 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Garage Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 110,000,0005 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN KITISURUNairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 110,000,000 Sale Featured 15 5 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN KITISURU Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 120,000,0006 BEDROOM MASIONETTE AT KITSURU FOR SALENairobiBeds: 6Baths: 6 Ksh 120,000,000 Sale 17 6 BEDROOM MASIONETTE AT KITSURU FOR SALE Nairobi 6 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 120,000,0006 BEDROOM HOUSE IN RUNDA MIMOSA FOR SALERundaBeds: 6Baths: 5 Ksh 120,000,000 Sale 15 6 BEDROOM HOUSE IN RUNDA MIMOSA FOR SALE Runda 6 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 220,000,0006 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN RUNDARundaBeds: 6Baths: 6 Ksh 220,000,000 Sale 4 6 BEDROOM MANSION FOR SALE IN RUNDA Runda 6 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 80,000,0004 BEDROOM VILLA FOR SAL AT RUNDARundaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 80,000,000 Sale 9 4 BEDROOM VILLA FOR SAL AT RUNDA Runda 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 200,000,0005 BEDROOM MAISONETTE AT MUTHAIGA NORTH FOR SALENairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 200,000,000 Sale 11 5 BEDROOM MAISONETTE AT MUTHAIGA NORTH FOR SALE Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 140,000,0002 APARTMENTS FOR SALE AT RUIRU KIMBONairobiBeds: 2Baths: 1 Ksh 140,000,000 Sale 3 2 APARTMENTS FOR SALE AT RUIRU KIMBO Nairobi 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 80,000,0005 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE AT GARDEN ESTATENairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 80,000,000 Sale 18 5 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE AT GARDEN ESTATE Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Residential Ksh 35,000,0005 BEDROOM MASIONETE AT KATANI SYOKIMAUNairobiBeds: 5Baths: 3 Ksh 35,000,000 Sale 17 5 BEDROOM MASIONETE AT KATANI SYOKIMAU Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 250,000,000FLAT FOR SALE IN LAVINGTONLavingtonBaths: 106 Ksh 250,000,000 Sale 10 FLAT FOR SALE IN LAVINGTON Lavington 106 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Residential Ksh 80,000,0003 STOREY BUILDING FOR SALE AT RUIRUThika Ksh 80,000,000 Sale 2 3 STOREY BUILDING FOR SALE AT RUIRU Thika Flama Properties Business Ksh 80,0004 Bedroom Standalone House at syokimauKitengelaBeds: 3Baths: 2 Ksh 80,000 Rent 9 4 Bedroom Standalone House at syokimau Kitengela 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 6,000,0001 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR SALE IN LAVINGTON. VALLEY ARCADELavingtonBeds: 1Baths: 1 Ksh 6,000,000 Sale 8 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR SALE IN LAVINGTON. VALLEY ARCADE Lavington 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom 1 Garage Flama Properties Flats & Apartment Ksh 5,500,0002 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR SALE IN VALLEY ARCADELavingtonBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 5,500,000 Sale 5 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR SALE IN VALLEY ARCADE Lavington 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Residential Ksh 10,000,0004 BEDROOM BUNGALOW RUIRU Ksh 10,000,000 Sale 3 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOW RUIRU Flama Properties Residential Ksh 20,000,0004 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALENairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 20,000,000 Sale 11 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 6,800,0002 BEDROOM BUNGALOW IN MTWAPAMombasaBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 6,800,000 Sale 5 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW IN MTWAPA Mombasa 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 24,000,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETE FOR SALE IN BAMBURIMombasaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 24,000,000 Sale 16 4 BEDROOM MAISONETE FOR SALE IN BAMBURI Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 36,000,0003 ACRES BEACH PLOT IN MOMBASAMombasa Ksh 36,000,000 Sale 5 3 ACRES BEACH PLOT IN MOMBASA Mombasa Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 28,000,0001 ACRE BEACH PLOT IN WATAMU NEAR JACARANDA Ksh 28,000,000 Sale 5 1 ACRE BEACH PLOT IN WATAMU NEAR JACARANDA Flama Properties Ksh 250,000,0000.22 HACTARES FOR SALE AT UPPERHILL NAIROBIUpper Hill Ksh 250,000,000 Sale 1 0.22 HACTARES FOR SALE AT UPPERHILL NAIROBI Upper Hill Flama Properties Church 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Sale 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Flama Properties Ksh 300,000,0000.354 HACTARES {0.87} ACRES FOR SALE IN KILIMANIUpper Hill Ksh 300,000,000 Sale 0.354 HACTARES {0.87} ACRES FOR SALE IN KILIMANI Upper Hill Flama Properties Commercial Properties Ksh 4,000,0008 ACRES FOR SALE AT KISAJU Ksh 4,000,000 Sale 1 8 ACRES FOR SALE AT KISAJU Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 45,000,0000.5 ACRE FOR SALE AT KAREN WINDY RIDGEKaren Ksh 45,000,000 Sale 1 0.5 ACRE FOR SALE AT KAREN WINDY RIDGE Karen Flama Properties Residential Ksh 6,000,0001 AND 2 BEDROOMS APPARTMENT FOR SALE AT LAVINGTONLavingtonBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 6,000,000 Sale 10 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS APPARTMENT FOR SALE AT LAVINGTON Lavington 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 80,000,000Prime Property For Sale Beach HouseNairobiBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 80,000,000 Sale 5 Prime Property For Sale Beach House Nairobi 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 160,000,000A 5 Bedroom Townhouse for sale sitting on 1 acre.KarenArea: 2,024 sqftBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 160,000,000 Sale 17 A 5 Bedroom Townhouse for sale sitting on 1 acre. Karen 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 550,0001 AND HALF ACRE IN NANYUKI Ksh 550,000 Sale 1 1 AND HALF ACRE IN NANYUKI Flama Properties Ksh 28,000,0006 BEDROOM MAISONETE IN KAHAWA SUKARINairobiBeds: 6Baths: 7 Ksh 28,000,000 Sale 5 6 BEDROOM MAISONETE IN KAHAWA SUKARI Nairobi 6 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 6,800,0003 bedroom houseOngata RongaiBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 6,800,000 Sale 14 3 bedroom house Ongata Rongai 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 280,000,0005 BEDROOM MANSIONATTE/VILLA FOR RENT IN LAVINGTONLavingtonBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 280,000,000 Rent 13 5 BEDROOM MANSIONATTE/VILLA FOR RENT IN LAVINGTON Lavington 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Houses Ksh 15,000,0004 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN LAVINGTONLavingtonBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 15,000,000 Sale 10 4 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN LAVINGTON Lavington 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 6,500,000APARTMENT FOR SALE IN KILELESHWAKileleshwaBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 6,500,000 Sale 11 APARTMENT FOR SALE IN KILELESHWA Kileleshwa 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 11,600,000APARTMENT FOR SALE IN KILIMANIKileleshwaBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 11,600,000 Sale 10 APARTMENT FOR SALE IN KILIMANI Kileleshwa 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 35,000,0005 BEDROOM VILLA FOR SALE AT RONGAIOngata RongaiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 35,000,000 Sale 25 5 BEDROOM VILLA FOR SALE AT RONGAI Ongata Rongai 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 5 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 350,00012.4 HECTARES FOR SALE AT MALINDIMombasa Ksh 350,000 Sale 2 12.4 HECTARES FOR SALE AT MALINDI Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 15,000,000PLOTS FOR SALE ALONG MTWAPA-MOMBASA HIGHWAYMombasa Ksh 15,000,000 Sale 1 PLOTS FOR SALE ALONG MTWAPA-MOMBASA HIGHWAY Mombasa Flama Properties Land 4 BEACH PROPERTIES FOR SALE AT SOUTH COASTMombasa Sale 6 4 BEACH PROPERTIES FOR SALE AT SOUTH COAST Mombasa Flama Properties Commercial Properties Ksh 28,000,0004 BEDROOM MASIONETE IN MOMBASAMombasaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 28,000,000 Sale 15 4 BEDROOM MASIONETE IN MOMBASA Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 3,700,000,0006 ACRES AT NYALIMombasa Ksh 3,700,000,000 Sale 6 ACRES AT NYALI Mombasa Flama Properties Residential Ksh 10,000,0003 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN NYALIMombasaBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 10,000,000 Sale 5 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN NYALI Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 15,000,0000.25 ACRES PLOT FOR SALE IN MIGAA GOLF VIEW ESTATENairobi Ksh 15,000,000 Sale 8 0.25 ACRES PLOT FOR SALE IN MIGAA GOLF VIEW ESTATE Nairobi Flama Properties Residential Ksh 45,000,000BEACH PLOTS FOR SALE AT DIANIMombasa Ksh 45,000,000 Sale 1 BEACH PLOTS FOR SALE AT DIANI Mombasa Flama Properties Commercial Properties Ksh 150,000,0005 BEDROOM OLD HOUSE AT NYALIMombasaBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 150,000,000 Sale 5 5 BEDROOM OLD HOUSE AT NYALI Mombasa 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 4,500,00010 ACRES AT KOKOTONI KAWALA ‘A’AMombasa Ksh 4,500,000 Sale 10 ACRES AT KOKOTONI KAWALA ‘A’A Mombasa Flama Properties Land 100 ACRES FOR AT VIPINGO RIDGEMombasa Sale 1 100 ACRES FOR AT VIPINGO RIDGE Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 27,000,0002 PLOTS FOR SALE IN BOMBOLULUMombasa Ksh 27,000,000 Sale 2 PLOTS FOR SALE IN BOMBOLULU Mombasa Flama Properties Plot Ksh 3,600,0000.0276 HECTARES FOR SALE IN SHANZUMombasa Ksh 3,600,000 Sale 0.0276 HECTARES FOR SALE IN SHANZU Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 8,500,0001.21 HECTARES IN MTWAPAMombasa Ksh 8,500,000 Sale 1.21 HECTARES IN MTWAPA Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 65,000,0004 BEDROOM MASIONETE IN NYALI LINKSMombasaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 65,000,000 Sale 4 4 BEDROOM MASIONETE IN NYALI LINKS Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 7,400,000PLOT FOR SALE IN MTWAPAMombasa Ksh 7,400,000 Sale 2 PLOT FOR SALE IN MTWAPA Mombasa Flama Properties Land Ksh 30,000,000OFFICE FOR SALE AT MUTHAIGANairobi Ksh 30,000,000 Sale 13 OFFICE FOR SALE AT MUTHAIGA Nairobi 4 Garages Flama Properties Business Ksh 25,000,000BAR/LOUNGE AND RESTAURANT FOR SALERundaBeds: 7Baths: 7 Ksh 25,000,000 Sale 16 BAR/LOUNGE AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE Runda 7 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 7 Garages Flama Properties Business Ksh 195,000,0002.198 HACTERES FOR SALEMombasa Ksh 195,000,000 Sale 12 2.198 HACTERES FOR SALE Mombasa Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 86,000,0003 BEDROOMS ITALIAN BUNGALOW AT TUDORMombasaBeds: 3Baths: 4 Ksh 86,000,000 Sale 6 3 BEDROOMS ITALIAN BUNGALOW AT TUDOR Mombasa 3 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 26,000,00050 ACRES BEACH PLOT FOR SALE IN BOFA – KILIFI COUNTY – KENYAN COASTMombasa Ksh 26,000,000 Sale 4 50 ACRES BEACH PLOT FOR SALE IN BOFA – KILIFI COUNTY – KENYAN COAST Mombasa Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 35,000,0005 BEDROOM MASIONETE AT ONGATA RONGAIOngata RongaiBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 35,000,000 Sale 14 5 BEDROOM MASIONETE AT ONGATA RONGAI Ongata Rongai 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 65,000,0006 BEDROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE IN KARENKarenBeds: 6Baths: 5 Ksh 65,000,000 Sale 9 6 BEDROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE IN KAREN Karen 6 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 30,500APARTMENT FOR RENT AT JOYLAND RUAKANairobi Ksh 30,500 Rent 1 APARTMENT FOR RENT AT JOYLAND RUAKA Nairobi Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 140,000,000APARTMENT FOR SALE AT ZIMMERMANNairobi Ksh 140,000,000 Sale 1 APARTMENT FOR SALE AT ZIMMERMAN Nairobi Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 250,000,000APARTMENT FOR SALE AT LAVINGTONLavington Ksh 250,000,000 Sale 1 APARTMENT FOR SALE AT LAVINGTON Lavington Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 250,000,000APARTMENT FOR SALE AT WESTLANDS NAIROBINairobi Ksh 250,000,000 Sale 1 APARTMENT FOR SALE AT WESTLANDS NAIROBI Nairobi 13 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 9,000,0004 BEDROOM MAISONETE AT RUIRU MURERANairobiBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 9,000,000 Sale 6 4 BEDROOM MAISONETE AT RUIRU MURERA Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 75,000,0006 BEDROOM HOUSE IN KARENKarenBeds: 7Baths: 6 Ksh 75,000,000 Sale 14 6 BEDROOM HOUSE IN KAREN Karen 7 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 22,000,0004 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE AT MEMBLEYNairobiBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 22,000,000 Sale 9 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE AT MEMBLEY Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 25,000,0007 BEDROOM MASIONATE FOR IN KITENGELAKitengelaBeds: 7Baths: 5 Ksh 25,000,000 Sale 2 7 BEDROOM MASIONATE FOR IN KITENGELA Kitengela 7 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 130,000,000FLAT FOR SALE AT KAHAWA WENDANINairobi Ksh 130,000,000 Sale 2 FLAT FOR SALE AT KAHAWA WENDANI Nairobi 1 Garage Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 7,500,0004 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN NKOROI RONGAIOngata RongaiBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 7,500,000 Sale 12 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN NKOROI RONGAI Ongata Rongai 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Houses Ksh 350,000,0008 BEDROOM MANSIONATE IN KARENKarenBeds: 8Baths: 8 Ksh 350,000,000 Sale 6 8 BEDROOM MANSIONATE IN KAREN Karen 8 Bedrooms 8 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 75,000,0005 BEDROOM MANSIONATE IN KARENKarenBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 75,000,000 Sale 4 5 BEDROOM MANSIONATE IN KAREN Karen 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 12,000,000100 ACRES ON SALE AT JUJA MASTORE ALONG JUJA FARM ROADNairobi Ksh 12,000,000 Sale 100 ACRES ON SALE AT JUJA MASTORE ALONG JUJA FARM ROAD Nairobi Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 450,000,0007 bedroom maisonete in nyari nairobiNairobiBeds: 7Baths: 6 Ksh 450,000,000 Sale 7 7 bedroom maisonete in nyari nairobi Nairobi 7 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 40,000,0005 BEDROOM MAISONETTE IN MEMBLEYBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 40,000,000 Sale 12 5 BEDROOM MAISONETTE IN MEMBLEY 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 45,000,000HOTEL DEL BISTRO ON SALEThikaBeds: 20Baths: 20 Ksh 45,000,000 Sale 6 HOTEL DEL BISTRO ON SALE Thika 20 Bedrooms 20 Bathrooms 25 Garages Flama Properties Commercial Properties Ksh 10,000,0006 BEDROOM BUNGALOW AT THIKA LANDLESS ESTATEThikaArea: 10,000 sqftBeds: 6Baths: 4 Ksh 10,000,000 Sale Featured 7 6 BEDROOM BUNGALOW AT THIKA LANDLESS ESTATE Thika 6 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 150,000,00010 Acres four Joint Venture next to Karen HospitalKarenBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 150,000,000 Sale 4 10 Acres four Joint Venture next to Karen Hospital Karen 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Houses Ksh 65,000,000KAREN NAIROBI 10 ACRES PRIME RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL LAND ON SALEKaren Ksh 65,000,000 Sale 7 KAREN NAIROBI 10 ACRES PRIME RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL LAND ON SALE Karen Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 24,000,0004 Bedroom maisonette in SyokimauNairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 24,000,000 Sale 27 4 Bedroom maisonette in Syokimau Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 6,000,0003 BEDROOM HOUSE IN RONGAIOngata RongaiBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 6,000,000 Sale 11 3 BEDROOM HOUSE IN RONGAI Ongata Rongai 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Residential Ksh 10,000,0005 BEDROOM MAISONATTE FOR SALEBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 10,000,000 Sale 9 5 BEDROOM MAISONATTE FOR SALE 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 3,500,0002 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN RONGAINairobiBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 3,500,000 Sale 14 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR SALE IN RONGAI Nairobi 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 42,000,000APARTMENT FOR SALE IN MWIKINairobiBeds: 1Baths: 1 Ksh 42,000,000 Sale 3 APARTMENT FOR SALE IN MWIKI Nairobi 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom 1 Garage Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 55,000,0004 storey flat/plot/apartment in GithuraiNairobi Ksh 55,000,000 Sale 3 4 storey flat/plot/apartment in Githurai Nairobi Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 15,000,0004 Bedroom mansion in kitengelaKitengelaBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 15,000,000 Sale 14 4 Bedroom mansion in kitengela Kitengela 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 9,500,000SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOMS PLUS DSQ ON SALE IN KITENGELANairobiBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 9,500,000 Sale 9 SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOMS PLUS DSQ ON SALE IN KITENGELA Nairobi 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Residential Ksh 16,000,0004-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES, ROYAL GATES,KITENGELANairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 16,000,000 Sale 6 4-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES, ROYAL GATES,KITENGELA Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 3,000,0003 Bedrooms Bungalows Mtwapa estateMombasaBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 3,000,000 Sale 4 3 Bedrooms Bungalows Mtwapa estate Mombasa 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 45,000,0004 Bedroom house for sale, MombasaMombasaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 45,000,000 Sale 6 4 Bedroom house for sale, Mombasa Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 75,000,0008 BEDROOMS HOUSE FOR SALE IN NYALI, MOMBASA-KENYAMombasaBeds: 8Baths: 8 Ksh 75,000,000 Sale 7 8 BEDROOMS HOUSE FOR SALE IN NYALI, MOMBASA-KENYA Mombasa 8 Bedrooms 8 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Ksh 60,000,0005 BEDROOMS HOUSE FOR SALE IN MOMBASA-NYALI LINKS ROADMombasaBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 60,000,000 Sale 5 5 BEDROOMS HOUSE FOR SALE IN MOMBASA-NYALI LINKS ROAD Mombasa 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Commercial Ksh 500,000,0004 BEDROOMS HOUSE ON A 2 ACRES BEACH PROPERTY IN NYALI-MOMBASA, KENYAMombasaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 500,000,000 Sale 9 4 BEDROOMS HOUSE ON A 2 ACRES BEACH PROPERTY IN NYALI-MOMBASA, KENYA Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Commercial Ksh 35,000,0004 Bedrooms villa 3rd row from the Diani Beach for saleMombasa Ksh 35,000,000 Sale 7 4 Bedrooms villa 3rd row from the Diani Beach for sale Mombasa Flama Properties Business Ksh 9,500,000PLOT WITH AN OLD SWAHILI HOUSE FOR SALE IN KONGOWEA MARKETMombasa Ksh 9,500,000 Sale 4 PLOT WITH AN OLD SWAHILI HOUSE FOR SALE IN KONGOWEA MARKET Mombasa Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 25,000,0003 Bedrooms Executive Apartments in Nyali beach 3rd rowMombasa Ksh 25,000,000 Sale 4 3 Bedrooms Executive Apartments in Nyali beach 3rd row Mombasa Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 250,000,000Banking Hall in Mombasa City CentreMombasa Ksh 250,000,000 Sale 5 Banking Hall in Mombasa City Centre Mombasa Flama Properties Business Ksh 4,000,00010 Acres for sale in MtwapaMombasa Ksh 4,000,000 Sale 6 10 Acres for sale in Mtwapa Mombasa Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 400,000,0004 Acres Beach Maisonette on sale DIANI BEACHMombasaBeds: 7Baths: 6 Ksh 400,000,000 Sale 5 4 Acres Beach Maisonette on sale DIANI BEACH Mombasa 7 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 65,000,0004 Bedrooms Maisonette Nyali MombasaMombasaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 65,000,000 Sale 9 4 Bedrooms Maisonette Nyali Mombasa Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 16,000,00063 Acres land for sale at Kikambala KENYAN COASTMombasa Ksh 16,000,000 Sale 2 63 Acres land for sale at Kikambala KENYAN COAST Mombasa Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 95,000,0005 Bedrooms maisonette on Coral drive NyaliBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 95,000,000 Sale 6 5 Bedrooms maisonette on Coral drive Nyali 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 25,000,0004 Bedroom maisonette in Golf view estate ThikaBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 25,000,000 Sale 14 4 Bedroom maisonette in Golf view estate Thika 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Mansion Ksh 13,500,0004 bedroom town houseNairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 13,500,000 Sale Featured 23 4 bedroom town house Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Residential Ksh 60,000,000Plot for sale in Githurai 45NairobiBeds: 1Baths: 1 Ksh 60,000,000 Sale 1 Plot for sale in Githurai 45 Nairobi 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom 1 Garage Flama Properties Plot Ksh 180,000,000PETROL STATION ON A QUICK SALE ALONG RUAKA-NDENDERU ROAD.Nairobi Ksh 180,000,000 Sale 6 PETROL STATION ON A QUICK SALE ALONG RUAKA-NDENDERU ROAD. Nairobi 2 Garages Flama Properties Special Use Ksh 350,000,000Petrol station for sale parklandsNairobiBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 350,000,000 Sale 4 Petrol station for sale parklands Nairobi 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Special Use Ksh 20,000,000Petrol station for sale at jogoo rdNairobiBaths: 1 Ksh 20,000,000 Sale 1 Petrol station for sale at jogoo rd Nairobi 1 Bathroom 2 Garages Flama Properties Special Use Ksh 100,000,000Apartment for sale (1 & 2 Bedroom)NairobiBeds: 1Baths: 1 Ksh 100,000,000 Rent 3 Apartment for sale (1 & 2 Bedroom) Nairobi 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Flama Properties Flats & Apartment Ksh 100,000,000Flat on sale Zimmerman.NairobiBeds: 1Baths: 1 Ksh 100,000,000 Sale 1 Flat on sale Zimmerman. Nairobi 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Flama Properties Flats & Apartment Ksh 65,000,0002 Bedroom apartment for sale at ruiru by passNairobiBeds: 2Baths: 1 Ksh 65,000,000 Sale 1 2 Bedroom apartment for sale at ruiru by pass Nairobi 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Flama Properties Flats & Apartment Ksh 17,500,0004 BEDROOMS ALL ENSUITE FOR SALE IN SYOKIMAU IN TERRACE VILLASNairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 17,500,000 Sale 8 4 BEDROOMS ALL ENSUITE FOR SALE IN SYOKIMAU IN TERRACE VILLAS Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Houses Ksh 7,300,0002 BEDROOMS MASTER ENSUITE FOR SALE OFF MOMBASA ROADNairobiBeds: 2Baths: 2 Ksh 7,300,000 Sale 6 2 BEDROOMS MASTER ENSUITE FOR SALE OFF MOMBASA ROAD Nairobi 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Flama Properties Houses Ksh 17,500,0004 BEDROOMS ALL EN-SUITE FOR SALE IN SYOKIMAU (PARKWOOD VILLAS)NairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 17,500,000 Sale 7 4 BEDROOMS ALL EN-SUITE FOR SALE IN SYOKIMAU (PARKWOOD VILLAS) Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Flama Properties Houses Ksh 17,000,0005 BEDROOMS ALL ENSUITE FOR SALE IN SYOKIMAU ALONG COMMUNITY ROADNairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 17,000,000 Sale 8 5 BEDROOMS ALL ENSUITE FOR SALE IN SYOKIMAU ALONG COMMUNITY ROAD Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms Flama Properties Houses Ksh 12,500,0004 Bedroom house for sale in mavoko parkNairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 12,500,000 Sale 7 4 Bedroom house for sale in mavoko park Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Flama Properties Residential Ksh 19,000,0005 BEDROOMS ALL ENSUITE TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE IN SYOKIMAU AT FAIRFIELDNairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 19,000,000 Sale 8 5 BEDROOMS ALL ENSUITE TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE IN SYOKIMAU AT FAIRFIELD Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Houses Ksh 250,000,000109 Acres for sale at ndabibi Ksh 250,000,000 Sale 2 109 Acres for sale at ndabibi Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 40,000,000Flat for sale in ongata rongaiOngata Rongai Ksh 40,000,000 Sale 4 Flat for sale in ongata rongai Ongata Rongai Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 50,000,0005 BEDROOM MAISONETTE IN RIDGEWAYSNairobiBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 50,000,000 Sale 7 5 BEDROOM MAISONETTE IN RIDGEWAYS Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Land Ksh 800,000,0003.1 ACRES FOR SALE IN MUTHAIGANairobi CBDBeds: 9Baths: 7 Ksh 800,000,000 Sale 24 3.1 ACRES FOR SALE IN MUTHAIGA Nairobi CBD 9 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 4 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 6,500,0003 Bedroom house for sale in kenyatta roadNairobiBeds: 1Baths: 3 Ksh 6,500,000 Sale 7 3 Bedroom house for sale in kenyatta road Nairobi 1 Bedroom 3 Bathrooms 1 Garage Flama Properties Residential Ksh 70,000,0004 Bedroom maisonette at RidgwaysNairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 70,000,000 Sale 3 4 Bedroom maisonette at Ridgways Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Flama Properties Residential Ksh 33,000,000Mansion on sale in UtawalaNairobiBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 33,000,000 Sale 4 Mansion on sale in Utawala Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 1,100,000Plot for sale in malaa(Kangundo) Ksh 1,100,000 Sale 2 Plot for sale in malaa(Kangundo) Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 1,100,000Plot for sale in kitengelaKitengela Ksh 1,100,000 Sale 2 Plot for sale in kitengela Kitengela Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 7,500,0003 Bedroom bungalow for sale at kimboNairobiBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 7,500,000 Sale 15 3 Bedroom bungalow for sale at kimbo Nairobi 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Houses Ksh 60,000,00060 Acres for sale in lachuta mweiga nyeri Ksh 60,000,000 Rent 7 60 Acres for sale in lachuta mweiga nyeri Flama Properties Agriculture 650000004 bedroom house for sale in karenKarenArea: 3,035 sqftBeds: 4Baths: 4 65000000 Sale 3 4 bedroom house for sale in karen Karen 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 17,000,000Apartment for sale at Kilimani from 2 and 3 BedroomsUpper Hill / Nairobi CBD / Nairobi / Lavington / KileleshwaBeds: 4Baths: 3 Ksh 17,000,000 Sale Apartment for sale at Kilimani from 2 and 3 Bedrooms Upper Hill / Nairobi CBD / Nairobi / Lavington / Kileleshwa 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 500,000,000Commercial building for sale in nairobi cbdArea: 4,000 sqft Ksh 500,000,000 Sale Commercial building for sale in nairobi cbd Flama Properties Business Ksh 42,000,000Plot for sale in GithuraiArea: 4,000 sqft Ksh 42,000,000 Sale Plot for sale in Githurai Flama Properties Bedsitter Ksh 19,000,000Apartment for sale at parklandsBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 19,000,000 Sale 1 Apartment for sale at parklands 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 30,000,0004 Bedroom house for sale in kimbo Thika rdArea: 5,445 sqftBeds: 5Baths: 4 Ksh 30,000,000 Sale 4 Bedroom house for sale in kimbo Thika rd 5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Houses Ksh 28,000,0004 Bedroom maisonette for sale in Thika golf view estateArea: 7,500 sqftBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 28,000,000 Sale 4 Bedroom maisonette for sale in Thika golf view estate 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 45,000,000Five bedroom villas for sale in RedhillNairobiArea: 10,890 sqftBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 45,000,000 Sale Featured Five bedroom villas for sale in Redhill Nairobi 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 18,000,0004 Bedroom maisonette N/E Bypass JoskaNairobiArea: 7,500 sqftBeds: 4Baths: 4 Ksh 18,000,000 Sale 7 4 Bedroom maisonette N/E Bypass Joska Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow Ksh 170,0005 Bedroom maisonette in karen for rentKarenArea: 10,000 sqftBeds: 5Baths: 5 Ksh 170,000 Rent 1 5 Bedroom maisonette in karen for rent Karen 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 9,500,0003 Bedroom house for sale in kitengelaKitengelaArea: 5,025 sqftBeds: 3Baths: 3 Ksh 9,500,000 Sale 3 Bedroom house for sale in kitengela Kitengela 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Bungalow 140000004 Bedroomed apartment for saleNairobiArea: 502.25 sqftBeds: 4Baths: 4 14000000 Sale 8 4 Bedroomed apartment for sale Nairobi 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Apartment Ksh 10,000,0002 PLOTS ON SALE AT MALEWA BAY NAIVASHANaivashaArea: 1,010 sqft Ksh 10,000,000 Sale 2 PLOTS ON SALE AT MALEWA BAY NAIVASHA Naivasha Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 5,500,0001/8 ACRE PLOT FOR SALE IN MTWAPAMombasaArea: 5,445 sqft Ksh 5,500,000 Sale 2 1/8 ACRE PLOT FOR SALE IN MTWAPA Mombasa Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 20,000,0004 Bedroom House forsaleMombasaArea: 2 sqftBeds: 4Baths: 1 Ksh 20,000,000 Sale 4 Bedroom House forsale Mombasa 4 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Garage Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 390,000,000Land for sale in Mtwapa-kilifiMombasaArea: 157,827 sqft Ksh 390,000,000 Sale Land for sale in Mtwapa-kilifi Mombasa Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 250,000,0001 Acre plot for sale in NyaliMombasaArea: 2,025 sqft Ksh 250,000,000 Sale 1 Acre plot for sale in Nyali Mombasa Flama Properties Business Ksh 120,000,000Land for sale in karenKaren Ksh 120,000,000 Sale Land for sale in karen Karen Flama Properties Agriculture Ksh 2,200,000Apartment for sale Ksh 2,200,000 Rent Apartment for sale Flama Properties Residential Ksh 240,000,000Property for sale in upper hillUpper HillArea: 2,023 sqft Ksh 240,000,000 Sale Property for sale in upper hill Upper Hill Flama Properties Business 57000003 bedroom house for saleNgongArea: 400 sqftBeds: 3Baths: 3 5700000 Sale 6 3 bedroom house for sale Ngong 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garages Flama Properties Houses Ksh 125,000,0005 Bedroom Mansionatte for saleKarenArea: 5,025 sqftBeds: 5Baths: 3 Ksh 125,000,000 Sale 5 5 Bedroom Mansionatte for sale Karen 5 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages Flama Properties Houses